Olivia Ann Carye Hallstein is a Cambridge-based internationally exhibited artist and educator who has practiced professionally since 2010 at age 19. She began her career in the artist collectives and state-theaters in Berlin, Germany as a designer. In Berlin, she studied at Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weissensee in set and costume design and founded a community-oriented arts organization called …impy… in Neukoelln.
As part of …impy… she developed workshops in textile design, puppet making and cuisine and continued her artistic practice with 200 original designed garments, several painted series, a performance practice and was active as a local activist against exploitative gentrification.
Since arriving in Boston-Cambridge, she graduated from the School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts University and is the founder of the Edible Nest Studio (formerly JoLiv Collaborative). She writes articles for ecoartspace (an environmental arts blog), is a Royal Society of Arts Fellow, mentors and teaches courses, lectures, and provides guided mentorship in sustainable artistic and culinary practices and Whole Systems Circular Design.
Her studio, the "Edible Nest Studio" (founded 2021) in Cambridge, MA works to create whole systems and integrated approaches to the practice of both design and culinary fields. https://www.instagram.com/edible_nest_studio/
The Lifespans Recipes project follows the development of her vertical integration practice with images, text, stories, illustrations, and activities.
She is currently pursuing a MA in Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning at Tufts University part-time to expand her repertoire and learn to implement larger scale projects.

​Royal Society for the Arts Fellow 2011 to present,
Tufts University instructor & consultant,
Hoch Cunningham Lecture “Make the World you Want to See” 2020,
SMFA Health Safety and Sustainability Day 2019-2022,
Center for the Sustainable Practice in the Arts 2020-present,
Ecoartspace Member Spotlight,
City of Boston Housing ILab,
Art and Culture Working Group (UN),
Entertainment Net-Zero Alliance (UN Climate Change),
EcoArtSpace contributing writer,
"Earth keeper's Handbook" 2023,
"Art in Agriculture" by Silvia Bottinelli 2023,
"Artist as Mindset"-Art & Society Conference 2023,
"Creativity in Scarcity- Food Studies Conference 2023,
Global Studies Conference,
Conference on the Image,
The Nature of Cities Festival,
UPWARD Gallery,
JoLiv Collaborative,
Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute,
the MFA Boston,
Piano Craft Gallery,
Maxim-Gorki Theater,
Deutsches Theater,
RAW Temple,
Der Kanal,
BAT theater,
TIK Theater,
and more.​​​​